Thoughts on Modern Sacred Music

by Ashton Harat

Modern Sacred Music

Modern Sacred Music

Not long ago in my church, one of the songs sung was Rejoice Hymns #106 – How Deep the Father’s Love for Us. As the second pianist, I know the song as a simple Eb reflective piece with an odd 5/4 – 3/4 rhythm (and a seemingly optional refrain.) But what makes this song so popular among the lay people of the church, and so praised by the ministry and musicians? That’s what we’re going to talk about. Let’s think a little about modern sacred music.

In an article, Stuart Townend—the author of this song—said that he was not particularly in the hymn-style background before he wrote this piece, and he was more of a contemporary Christian writer. 1 However, God often uses us to do things we never would have imagined.

The true aspect of why this hymn has stuck is probably a number of factors.

First, it has a message that is convicting, challenging and edifying. Honestly, the lyrics are astounding. The solid, lofty truths are refreshing in a world of watered-down praise choruses. The lyrics are doctrinally sound and rely heavily on the Bible. 2

Next, the prose is glorious. Think of some of the phrases in this song, how vast beyond all measure, the pain of searing loss—are there any lines that could be phrased better? Songs in worship to God should be beautiful and creative, just as He is.

Third, the tune is beautiful. Absolutely wonderful. It has an air that fits the message perfectly. And it is stylistically traditional.

These descriptions apply to many of the Getty/Townend songs. They are lasting because they are based on biblical truth, and are skillfully written. People recognize this, and love these songs—and they should, because they are firmly planted in biblical doctrine. But, as one author put it,

“The songs we sing not only reflect our theology; they also shape it.” 3

Dan Kreider

Therefore, singing these songs full of great doctrine should point our thoughts to Christ, the Word and His truths, keeping our focus exactly where it needs to be. That is why hymns­—modern or ancient—are so important for our worship, personal or corporate. Let us never forsake them, or the Word they are rooted in.

If you’re interested in finding new hymns to use in worship, check out our Songs page and the other music websites listed in Resources.

  1. Townend and Getty 2016, 35b
  3. Kreider 2018, v